Recruitment companies in Europe that specialize in the semiconductor industry
1. IC Resources
- Location: UK, Germany, Italy
- Specialization: Semiconductor, electronics, software, and hardware recruitment
- Website: IC Resources
2. EuroTech Search
- Location: UK, Netherlands, Germany
- Specialization: Semiconductor, electronics, and IT recruitment
- Website: EuroTech Search
3. Manning Global
- Location: Germany, UK, Ireland
- Specialization: Telecommunications, IT, and semiconductor sectors
- Website: Manning Global
4. TechStream Group
- Location: UK, Germany, Switzerland
- Specialization: Technology sectors including semiconductors, AI, and IT
- Website: TechStream Group
5. Xcede Group
- Location: UK, Germany, France
- Specialization: Technology, semiconductor, and digital recruitment
- Website: Xcede Group
6. Advanced Resource Managers (ARM)
- Location: UK, Germany
- Specialization: Engineering, IT, and semiconductor industries
- Website: ARM
7. Next Ventures
- Location: UK, Netherlands, Germany
- Specialization: Technology and engineering sectors, including semiconductors
- Website: Next Ventures
8. Eurostaff
- Location: UK, Germany, Switzerland
- Specialization: Technology and engineering recruitment, with a focus on semiconductors
- Website: Eurostaff
9. Reperio Human Capital
- Location: Ireland, UK
- Specialization: IT and semiconductor recruitment
- Website: Reperio Human Capital
10. Optimus Search
- Location: Germany, UK, Ireland
- Specialization: Engineering and IT recruitment, with a focus on the semiconductor industry
- Website: Optimus Search
These companies have a strong presence in Europe and are known for their expertise in the semiconductor industry. They provide both contract and permanent recruitment services.